Assignment Day 12

IELTS Writing Task 2 (Essay Writing)

1. Some people think that space exploration is a waste of resources while others think that it is essential for mankind to continue to explore the universe in which we live. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Useful Vocabulary

extraterrestrial life


Space exploration is a pursuit that expands the horizons of human knowledge

Good points

  • Helpful in proving the existence of life on other planets
  • Technological advancements due to space research. For example, microwave oven invented due to research on radar technology

Bad points

  • it is very expensive
  • waste of resources for developing countries like India. These resources can be used for healthcare system
  • money can be used to fight malnutrition
  • medicines can be made available to poor people


Sample Answer – Click Here

2. All societies have their music and art. In what way are music and art important for society and for the individual? Why is that? Do you see this as a positive or negative development?


Useful vocabulary

creative pursuits

expressing emotions

articulate feelings

Positive Development

  • help to develop strong sense of community 
  • through artwork artists gain popularity
  • art promote our culture in the world
  • improve academic achievement
  • increase confidence and creativity
  • develop skills of observation – this helps to invent new things in science


Sample Answer click Here

3. It is sometimes thought that people who travel outside of their own country are more tolerant and understanding of others. To what extent do you agree? Why is that? Do you see this as a positive or negative development?

Useful Vocabulary 

cultivate a cosmopolitan outlook


Positive Developments

  • getting an opportunity to grow as an individual
  • traveling removes prejudices against other people
  • we develop empathy for other people
  • get first hand experience of other cultures
  • example of the tradition of covering head in Arab countries. This tradition is actually a way to get protection from heat.


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