Introduction Paragraph Writing
Here are some IELTS Writing Task -2 ( Essay writing) topics. Write an introduction paragraph for each. *
1. Nowadays, a lot of buildings, such as offices and schools, are now being built with an open plan design.
Why is that?
Do you see this as a positive or negative development?
2. Some people think that space exploration is a waste of resources while others think that it is essential for mankind to continue to explore the universe in which we live.
Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
3. All societies have their music and art. In what way are music and art important for society and for the individual?
4. It is sometimes thought that people who travel outside of their own country are more tolerant and understanding of others.
To what extent do you agree?
5. Walking is known to be beneficial for health and yet fewer and fewer people are walking these days.
What are the reasons for this?
What can be done to tackle this problem?
*Essay topics have been taken from™
Sample Answers :
1 .
Keywords : buildings , open plan design
The Open Plan Concept – Revolutionary or just a Norm?
Space planning has changed drastically over the decades in both academic institutes and offices, once a series of small classrooms or offices has been transformed into a more fluid type of studying and working. An open plan allows better communication between employees, and it is also advantageous for teachers as it allows flexibility to arrange classroom space according to the size of their class. Although there are some disadvantages of this concept, it is a welcome change which has become the new norm of this century.
Keywords : Space exploration, resources, mankind, exploration of the universe
Astronomer, astronauts, extraterrestrial space
Humankind has always been full of curiosity about outer space as well as existence of extraterrestrial life. Since the dawn of civilization mankind has been trying to find a convincing answer to these questions. It is widely regarded as a pursuit which expands the horizons of human knowledge, yet some consider it is a sheer waste of human resources which could be used in other fruitful pursuits. This essay discusses both the arguments.
Music and art have always been the creative pursuits of mankind. Each culture has its unique style of expression through art and music. Not just a community or a culture, these are the unique ways of expression for individuals also. Whereas collectively they become a traditional style , at an individual level they afford a person the opportunity to articulate what language and other forms of expression fall far short of expressing.
keywords : travel , foreign countries, understanding, tolerant to other ideas.
In recent times, a clash of contradictory ideas has increased dramatically. People who are born into an isolated community or a classless society are often at odds with people born into a society with different values. To overcome this conflict, people should explore other people’s cultures , and that can only be accomplished by travelling. I completely agree that to cultivate a cosmopolitan outlook sympathetic to other people’s views , the essential thing to do is to travel to those places and meet inhabitants of those unknown lands.
Keywords : Walking, exercise, health benefits
Walking is universally regarded as the most popular aerobic physical activity and health benefits derived from this simple activity are numerous. Yet, it is being observed that recently there is a sharp decline in its popularity among people as a form of exercise. This decline has been attributed to a variety of factors, a hectic lifestyle is one among them. This essay discusses the causes as well as the ways to tackle the decreasing popularity of walking as a form of exercise.
People who are born into an isolated and homogeneous community are liable to be conditioned much more strictly than the members of a society composed of many diverse elements and in contact with other societies, having traditions different from its own.
An Eskimo never sees any one but other Eskimos; and as Eskimo society is classless and undifferentiated, this means that he only sees people who have been brought up in exactly the same way as himself.
Comparison is the beginning of criticism, and he has nothing with which to compare the accepted conventions of his small world. With a contemporary European the case is different. He lives in a society divided into a great number of economic, professional and denominational classes; two hours in a an aeroplane will take him to places where people speak a different language, think different thoughts, obey other sexual taboos and have unfamiliar table manners.
The circumambient Pavlov rings a great diversity of bells; there is conditioning and reconditioning; there are conflicts that arise when loyalties are divided and of equal strength. Our minds, in consequence, are much less closely circumscribed than those of Eskimos.
Nevertheless, sooner or later even the most highly civilized and emancipated person comes to a mental frontier which he cannot pass-comes to it,of course, unaware, and does not realize his inability to go further; for it is of the essence of these inward barriers that they never reveal their presence, unless, as the result of some fortunate or unfortunate conjunction of circumstances, we are shaken out of our second nature and transported violently to the other side of what is thenceforward perceived to be an arbitrary limitation of our freedom.
The Mayas occupied a position nearer to the Eskimos than to ourselves. The individual was born into a society not much differentiated (it was probably divided into only two classes, the ignorant laity and the learned priest-rulers) and in contact with other communities not very different from itself.
— Beyond Mexique Bay – Aldous Huxley
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