Hello friends, we have started this new section where we will put useful vocabulary for IELTS from various books.
The best way to improve your vocabulary is to read a lot and every time you come across a new word or a phrase, you must try to look it up in a dictionary. Then instead of trying to remember it, you should write down that new word or phrase in a diary.
Today we are sharing some words and phrases from this book “And We Came Outside And Saw the Stars Again” by Ilan Stavans.
New Words...
Look these words up in a dictionary. ( We would prefer Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary)
Try making sentences using these words.
You can take help of Sentencedict.com if you find any difficulty in making a sentence from a word.
carry about
money no longer guarantees them hospitality in every port
placid surface
masks are sold at criminally inflated prices
trenchant images
stockpiling essentials
a mediocre
a prize-winning poet
my phone doesn’t get reception up here
growl of a motor
yowl of a cat
to return to nature
nooks and crannies in this place
fans of noir
film noir
coercive measures
to have recourse to something
uniformed, medallioned military leaders
medallion man
exercise power
a future that we will bequeath to our descendants
the illegal trade has decimated their numbers (wildlife)
a faraway city
He didn’t suffer from diabetes, or, knock on wood, cancer
have a little nest egg (idiom)
they don’t have good cell phone reception
This is an era when technology has allowed us to be aware, almost in real time, of what is happening in the farthest reaches of the world.
a laissez-faire attitude
upsurges in crime
whinge – whingeing on about something
Not having a vigorous old generation will deprive society of the wisdom that comes from elders
TV channels to tune into
a brick flatiron building

stodgy food
rattle off
breaking into a sprint
stifle a snort (yawn)
the bourgeoisie (pronunciation)
Gandhiji, if he were to resurrect today, would deplore violence
freewheeling spirit
upward social mobility
beyond frontiers
a society founded on the principle that the needs of the many are important than the profits of the few
cut funding to arts – irony is that people are surviving lockdown thanks to the arts
daubed the wall with
daub over
at zany speed
a Utah Jazz player
Law passed , ploy in place
A Spanish proverb
Man cannot live by bread alone. If I were hungry and helpless in the street, I would not ask for a loaf of bread; I would ask for half a loaf and a book. And here, I violently denounce those who talk only of economic needs without ever mentioning cultural needs, which is what people are crying out for at the tops of their voices
Federico García Lorca
Civilization began around a fire. The world's governments should know that it served three essential purposes: warming hands, cooking , and telling stories
Juan Villoro
Boredom is the dream bird that hatches the egg of experience
Walter Benjamin