Part 2
Describe a time you visited a new place
You should say:
- Where the new place is
- When you went there
- Why you went there
- And explain how you felt about it
Sample Answer

I am a nature-lover and I like to go back to nature whenever opportunity arises.
Just last month, I once again got this opportunity when my uncle Nanjibhai Patel invited me to his village Rampur.
Rampur is a quaint little village that is nestled in Aravalli Hills.
The village is a 2-hour drive from my city.
When we reached there, my uncle took us all to his farm where he grows fruits and other seasonal crops.
One thing that intrigued me was the drip irrigation system that he had installed in the farm.
My uncle is a tech-savvy farmer and he often imports latest equipment from countries like China, Israel, Germany , and Russia.
This system he imported from Israel when he went there on a trip in 2018.
This system helps a farmer to use the water efficiently, and there is no wastage of water.
I am a banker but I like to know about modern farming techniques as I also have a farm on the outskirts of my city.
And my uncle also knew about my green thumb, so he suggested that I implement the system at my farm too.
I got the details of the system and also learned about the process of importing this system.
I decided that once I reached home I would instantly start the process of importing the system.
And I did just that. Today my farm also has that drip irrigation system that my uncle recommended to me.
Now, I realize that our prime minister Mr. Narendra Modi is a visionary leader. Because he wants to implement this system in farms in not just his home state Gujarat but all over India , and this way he wants to reduce the wastage of water in agriculture.
Part 3
Which do you prefer? Living in a city, or only visiting it as a tourist?
I would not think about living anywhere other than a big city.
Villages and beautiful countryside are great up to certain extent. But you can’t live there permanently.
You need amenities such as transport system, hospitals, schools , and amusement parks to live a colorful life. This can only happen in a city.
How do young children react when they go to school for the first time?
Every child will react in its own way. We can’t generalize the reactions they have on their first day at school.
But, I can talk about myself, and even my children.
I cried a lot when my parent dropped me off at my nursery school on the first day.
Even my girl is just like me. She was crying very much and we had to bring her home as her teacher herself couldn’t control her.
How do young and old people react differently to new things?
Young people like new experiences. So when they encounter a new thing, they feel curiosity and they instantly feel good about that new thing.
On the flip side, old people are indifferent to any changes in their lives. They don’t care if they come across something new.
Why do some people want to go to college far away from home?
The reason varies from person to person. Some wants to live their lives independently. They can’t do it if their university is just in their city.
When they go to a different city, they can live in a hostel or rent a house. This gives them the freedom to live their own lives without any interference from their parents.
But not all the students prefer this.
Some wants to stay in their city only. But they have to reluctantly go to another city which is quite faraway from their hometown. This is because they do not have a good university in their own cities.
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cover Image by Larisa Koshkina from Pixabay