Part 2
Describe someone you really like to spend time with
You should say:
- Who he/she is
- How you met him/her
- What you usually do together
- And explain why you like to spend time with him/her
Sample Answer

Time is a valuable commodity that one should spend wisely.
And if you want to share it with others than you have to be very careful before choosing that person.
I must confess that I like my own company very much. But, that doesn’t mean that I don’t enjoy other people’s company.
In fact, I do enjoy associating with friends who are equally enthusiastic about things that I like to do.
Among all the friends, if I were to pick out a single person whose company I truly enjoy, I would invariably choose my friend Tina Johnson.
Tina Johnson is my neighbor. She is only two years older than me. I have never seen any other person who has read so many books like Tina has.
We have been friends since the day when she moved to our housing colony with her family.
Her father is an English teacher who teaches at Nelsons International School. This is a very prestigious educational institute.
He was a peripatetic English teacher who moved from one city to another during the early days of his career as a teacher.
Therefore, Tina had seen many beautiful cities before she came to my city.
When they came here, it took just a few hours for us to become friends with each other.
She is a huge Agatha Christie fan. And on the day she came here, a new book was released by Agatha Christie. We both went to the bookstore together to buy that book. When we came home, our father remarked we must have had an interesting conversation during the day as we, Tina and I, were both looking animated.
And we don’t just talk about books and literature all the time. We go to see movies together. And as we both are epicures, we frequently dine out together at fine restaurants also.
In a way, every time I am with her, it becomes a celebration. I would call it a ‘celebration of friendship’ as it is hard to imagine a colorful life without a friend like Tina.
She is a brilliant raconteur. And I can recollect many occasions when I was laughing so hard that I was literally rolling on the floor when she cracked a joke or told some funny anecdotes.
She has this uncanny ability of reading my thoughts, and it feels like she is my own sister from another mother.
Everyday life poses many challenges to us, and we all have our own share of struggles and misfortunes.
In this desert of troubles, Tina’s friendship is an oasis that gives comfort when I am feeling low.
So I thank my lucky stars everyday for my wonderful friend Tina.
Part 3
What kinds of people are easy to get along with?
In my opinion, people who are ready to listen to your woes with empathy are very easy to get along with.
With them you feel a strong connection that you can’t feel with those who are not ready to hear what you have to say about your troubles.
And when these people have the same likes and dislikes, particularly in terms of food, fashion , and literature; we can hardly wait to forge a long lasting friendship with him or her.
How do leaders get along with their subordinates?
They are good at creating an umbrella of comfort under which their subordinates can take refuge.
Leaders don’t command their followers all the time. They also commend the good qualities of the followers.
And leaders are great listeners too. So, subordinates can easily pour their hearts to their leaders when they are in trouble.
A leader acts as a father figure/ mother figure who respects other people’s views even though he/she doesn’t completely agree with them.
Do people have time for themselves nowadays?
People always had time, they do have it now, and they will have it forever.
The question is, ‘Do they really know how to find time fore themselves?’
People have this destructive tendency to spend their time doing unfruitful activities. And then they lament that they can’t have quality time for themselves.
Do you like talking with older people? Why?
Yes, I do. I very much enjoy doing that.
Older people are always sympathetic towards the younger generation.
And when we talk with them, they always patiently listen to us without interrupting us. After that, they tell us their opinion about the topic we discussed.
I always find their arguments persuasive, and this has often led me to change my views and put things into perspective.