Science and Technology ( Idea Bank for IELTS )

Technology and communication

The dangers of the internet are well documented.

good at sustaining relationships

silver surfer

digital immigrants

digital natives




children are loath to ask adults for help



Technology – Artificial Intelligence

  • Our era is defined by Covid inspired retreat into the digital or virtual world
  • Private platforms like Facebook, Twitter and a host of others collect what makes us unique – our opinions, our likes and dislikes, our ideologies – on their platforms
  • Algorithms drive news and information that align with our beliefs to our Twitter or Facebook accounts.
  • recidivism likelihood amongst prisoners
  • grant sentences ( prison sentences)
  • Citizens have rights to informational privacy
  • It violates a constitutional premise that citizens must have their speech, expression, and liberty rights protected
  • There are plans for greater deployment of AI ( artificial intelligence )

The problem with the internet is not idiots per se, it’s the idiots who think they are clever.

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