Intro Vishw 3

old haunts

better to meet at a conference room in a hotel rather than at a roadside food stall

you are habituated with that, these places are where we have made lots of memories in the past

so if we go there, we get to revive or relive those old memories





some old things are having some precious memories attached to them.

Such as family heirlooms and things that our elders have passed on to us.

These things have their value in emotional terms not in financial/monetary terms.

sometimes we have to bear with them

sometimes we can’t tolerate them

boring art movie

boring books

boring history lectures

boring TV shows such as programs that my grandma watches 

boring meeting

our history teacher Shashikantbhai was a bore.

He was teaching us history of ancient India for 2 hours.

To sit through that entire lecture was the most boring thing that I can recollect at this moment.


advertisements try to TRICK their customers INTO buying unnecessary things


lure……… into…… -ing



objectify women

booming sector, and if there are any lucrative job offers in this field , I would definitely go after it , grab the opportunity

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