Idea Bank for IELTS

From this article, we will make a list of useful words, phrases and collocations for the topic “Education”




private schools

gain a place at Oxford

missing out on a place at Oxbridge  ( see the meaning of “miss out” here 

online learning

Education at its best is a chance to access a new world



It does little to address the underlying issue

( Here, the word "issue" has been used with the verb "address" . 

"To address the issue" means to start working on an issue.

"issue" is a noun, but you see here it is used with the adjective "underlying" .

So , for the noun "issue", two collocations are used in this sentence : "address" is the verb, and "underlying" is the adjective.)




a headline-grabbing scandal ( Here "scandal" is a noun, but it is used with the adjective "headline-grabbing'')

The exam fiasco is a shameful mess for which the government must make amends.

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